
thank you too!

Word. Hey buddy thanks for coming out to The Fix for the last couple weeks. We've had a good run for a while. The M64 record release party, Diamond D, and our regular nights have been great! Let's keep it moving. Tomorrow night I plan on playing a bunch of stuff to dance to like these ::

And here are some free mp3's from one of my favorite
labels out of Canada, Home Breakin'

Happy Canada Day to all you Canadians!

If that's your ticket or your bag, come out, if not, stay at home, buster!

And now here's our new segment...
Random design topics:
You might be seeing more of this in the future. I really kind of like this typeface.
Klimax taa daa


ok here's the real reason why I am posting. It's our independence day and that's pretty important. We could have ended up like Taiwan or India. We're not. We're rad and we're Americans. With freedom. . . to be stupid.

Here's how far your freedom gets you. . .

be safe with dem fireworks yall,
Tha Digsta

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